Developing and Validating a Technically Sound and Feasible Self-report Measure of Teachers’ Delivery of Common Practice Elements
PIs: Bryce D. McLeod, Ph.D.
Funding: Institute of Education Science (IES Measurement R305A210168, 2021-2025)
We are engaged in a four year IES -funded project to develop a teacher-report measure of the practices they use to support the social, behavioral, and emotional competencies of children in their classrooms. The long-term goal of this project is to develop an accurate teacher-report measure that can be used as part of quality improvement initiatives in elementary schools designed to support the implementation and sustainment of evidence-based prevention programs in elementary schools.
Dear, E. R., McLeod, B. D., Peterson, N. M., Sutherland, K. S., Broda, M. D., Dopp, A. R., & Lyon, A. R. (2023). A case study of pragmatic measure development of the treatment integrity for elementary settings self-report measure for teachers. Implementation Research & Practice, 5.
McLeod, B. D., Cook, C., Sutherland, K. S., Lyon, A. R., Dopp, A., Broda, M., & Beidas, R. S. (2022). A theory-informed approach to locally-managed learning school systems: Integrating treatment integrity and student outcome data to promote student mental health. School Mental Health, 14(1), 88-102.