Modular EBPs for Youth with ASD (MEYA)

MPIs: Jeffrey Wood, Ph.D. & Bryce D. McLeod, Ph.D.
Co-Investigators: Amy Herschell, Ph.D.
Funding: National Institute of Mental Health (R34 MH110591, 2016-2019)

In collaboration with Dr. Jeffrey Wood (UCLA) and and Dr. Amy Herschell, we conducted the MEYA project in which we developed a web-based quality control platform to support training and supervision of an efficacious program for youth diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The project's first year involved developing the web-based platform, and the second year involved testing the platform's impact on therapist behavior. 


Wood, J. J., Wood, K., S., Rosenau, K. A., Cho, A. C., Johnson, A. R., Muscatello, V. S., Tien, I. S., Status, J. Wolpe, S., Zeldin, A., Kazlauskas, K., & McLeod, B. D. (in press). Practitioner adherence and competence in MEYA, a free online self-instruction program in modular CBT for children’s autism-related clinical needs. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

McLeod, B. D., Wood, J. J., Herbst, J. C., Dunn, D., Kendall, P. C., Storch, E. A., Cho, A. C., & Rosenau, K. A. (2022). Treatment fidelity and outcome in CBT for youth with autism: The MEYA Fidelity Scale. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Advance online publication.